Sunday, November 1, 2009

What is Wet Waste?

Guelph Recycling. "Recycle Guelph." Internet; accessed November 1, 2009.

*Another form of wet waste is wastewater.

- Natalie Hui


  1. The above graphic is misleading. Sanitary waste such as napkins, diapers cannot be composted. These have to be incinerated (burnt in a professional machine meant for the purpose)

    What is Wet Waste?
    - Vegetable waste
    - Fruit waste
    - Food waste except oily waste
    - Tea leaves
    - Coffee powder
    - Garden trimmings
    - leaves
    - Flowers
    - Pencil shavings
    - Match Sticks
    - Newspaper (good to line the waste bin with paper without using plastic covers)

    What is not wet waste...cannot be composted
    - Sanitary Waste
    - Cigarette butts
    - Oily food (harms the composting process)
    - Watery food stuff
